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I think the use of texture and color instead of sprites is very interesting and innovative! Could have used a copy edit, though--English isn't your first language, I think?

(1 edit)

I'm glad you liked the visuals! As you've guessed, English is not my first language. I do read a lot of novels in English but I still struggle at speaking and writing naturally. It's even harder to output naturally when it comes to writing in a somewhat poetic prose.

Thank you for your suggestion, though. I'll keep that in mind and look for copy editors/proofreaders for my next projects. By the way, what's to come is dead ass fire, so if I were you, I'd consider keeping an eye on my page, and perhapes even following me ^^.

Hey! I played the game and it was interesting!

A very sad experience, but an interesting exploration of grief and loss! Personally, I connected with the... "finger", part, not to spoil others, it felt really authentic.

Also, the use of colour matrixes was neat, and using light (?) as a sprite was something very unique and interseting! The minimalism really contributed to the theme: there is nothing to distract yourself, you have to face it.

Congrats on making this!


The finger part was a reference to a this spooky visual novel masterpiece, Ghoulish Party!

Have you heard of it?


I haven't, but now I'm definitely curious and going to reserach it! Thanks for sharing!


Actually, Ghoulish Party was released yesterday!

Thanks for letting me know!!!